5 Android apps you shouldn’t miss this week! – Android Apps Weekly

The latest Android Apps Weekly is out! This week we talk about the Disney/Netflix split, the first ARCore app, AI, and more Android apps and games news!

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Welcome to the 208th edition of Android Apps Weekly! Here are the headlines from the last week:
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  • Google launched an experimental WebVR app this week. The app lets you play with music. Inside Music shows the various layers of music as balls. Each ball controls a layer of music. Thus, you can turn them on or off to add or remove elements to the song. It’s kind of neat, actually.
  • Things are getting a little serious for AI. Vladimir Putin stated earlier this week that the country that masters AI first will dominate the world. Elon Musk agreed with the world leader. He says that it could even cause World War III. We’ve seen plenty of AI in consumer tech. However, AI in weapons is another conversation entirely.
  • The first ARCore app is now officially out. ARCore is Google’s new AR platform. It supplants Tango as the main AR experience on Android. The app lets you play with atoms. You simply choose the one you want to play with when the app launches. From there, you can explore and check it out further. It’s only compatible with four devices right now. They are the S8, S8 Plus, Pixel, and Pixel XL.
  • Disney announced more moves for their upcoming streaming service. New Marvel movies and new Star Wars movies will only be available on the Disney streaming service. That means they won’t be available on Netflix anymore. That’s a bit down the road, though. For now, the upcoming releases will still be on Netflix.
  • The latest Humble Mobile Bundle is out! The games available this time are French-made titles. Some of the titles include Out There, OK Golf, Mechanic Escape, A Normal Lost Phone, and others. You can pay $1 and get three games. Beating the average nets you six games, or pay a flat $5 to get every game in the bundle. That’s a deal considering how much these games cost on their own. It’s also a great way to give to charity.

For even more Android apps and games news, releases, and updates, check out this week’s newsletter by clicking here! You can sign up for the newsletter with the form below. We also recommend checking out the Android Authority app for even faster updates!

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World of Prandis Beta

Price: Free
World of Prandis isn’t really a new game. It’s a port of an older game from other platforms. This one contains six classes, three races, and two regions to explore. It also boasts 4,000 monsters, a guild system, a party system, and more. There is a PvP like most MMORPGs. It plays pretty well. The game is in beta. There are still a bunch of kinks that need worked out. We also suspect that in-app purchases are coming with the final release. Until then, it’s completely free to play.


Price: Free
Notin is a new note taking app. It puts notes in your notifications. It’s not something you’d use for long term note taking like Google Keep or Evernote. Instead, it’s really good for remembering to do a certain thing in a relatively short span of time. Reminding yourself to take out the garbage after dinner and things like that. It’s fairly basic. There aren’t a ton of features to play with. Additionally, it runs a little slow on some devices. Otherwise, it’s free to download and use.

Little Alchemy 2

Price: Free / Up to $5.49
Little Alchemy 2 is a unique little puzzle game. You start with only a few things. You then combine them to create new things. Those new things are then combined to make even newer things. Your goal is to discover all of the things that you can craft using the materials you get. The game also comes with stats, hints, and more game play features. It’s not overly complicated. However, it is a good little brain teaser and it’s also kid friendly. The game is free to download with some extra stuff available as in-app purchases.
Little Alchemy 2

Split-Screen Creator

Price: Free / $0.99
Split-Screen Creator is a new Android tool. It mimics the Note 8 feature of putting two apps in a split-screen at the touch of a button. You create the shortcut, choose the apps, and the icon is made. Simply click it to open both apps in split-screen mode. It also supports icon packs. You can even have the shortcuts launch the same app twice if you want to. The app is free to download with the full version running for $0.99. It does have some kinks to work out, though. You also have to be on Android 7.0 Nougat or higher.


Price: Free
Cytoid is a new, fairly basic rhythm game. The game plays a song and pops up various elements on screen. You must tap them or hold them in order to get points. The base game comes with only a couple of songs. However, the game allows players to create and upload their own stuff. At the time of this writing, there are over 300 songs available on the app’s website. That’s probably where the most fun can be had. The game is free with no in-app purchases or advertisements.

Pokémon GO adds more Legendary Pokémon, EX Raid Battle feature coming soon

Raikou, Entei, and Suicune are the new Legendary Pokémon that can be captured by trainers if they are in the right regions in the world.

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In July, the first Legendary Pokémon creatures started popping up in Pokémon GO, the hit AR game from developer Niantic Labs. Today, the team is rolling out an update that brings three more Legendary Pokémon to be caught. In addition, the game is currently testing a new feature called EX Raid Battle in a small number of Gyms.

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The three new Legendary Pokémon, all from the Johto region, include Raikou, an Electric-type creature that can be found currently in the Americas, while Entei, a Fire-type Pokémon, can be found and battled in Europe and Africa. Finally, Suicune, a Water-type Legendary Pokémon, is currently located in the Asia-Pacific region. These three creatures will move to different parts of the world on September 30, and will move to their final region on October 31.

See also:
Here’s how Niantic will take on Pokemon Go cheaters

Here’s how Niantic will take on Pokemon Go cheaters

June 22, 2017

The EX Raid Battle feature, formerly known as Exclusive Raid Battle, will let trailers face off against a more powerful raid boss than normal. Invites will be sent out to selected players starting on September 6, and Niantic will be making changes and adjustments to the feature based on the feedback of those players, before it launches it worldwide.

Previous Updates

Legendary Pokémon make their debut

July 20: The first Legendary Pokémon started appearing in Gyms for trainers to hopefully defeat and catch, and they can then be used in Raid Bosses and Gym Battles.

Version 0.69.0 brings new trainer abilities, improves Pokémon info screen

July 19: Pokémon Go version 0.69.0 has rolled out, and it delivers a handful of new trainer abilities, as well as some interface changes and bug fixes. The new abilities come in three flavors: the first, and obviously most important, allows trainers to spin the Photo Disc at a Gym after completing one of the Raid Battles, while the other two relate to berry distribution. Trainers can now send berries to Pokémon defending Gyms through the Pokémon info screen even when they aren’t nearby.

Niantic has also added icons to the Pokémon information screen, so you can see how your Pokémon were caught, and has upgraded the search function in the collection menu.

Pokémon Go Fest

July 7: Pokémon Go is celebrating its first anniversary with the Go Fest event that will take place on Saturday, July 22, in Chicago’s Grant Park. There will be three Challenge Windows throughout the day. The trainers in Chicago will try to unlock perks for Pokémon Go players in other cities and countries by catching certain types of Pokémon, with each one being tied to a different perk.

Meanwhile, trainers across the globe will also try to catch as many Pokémon as possible during the Challenge Windows with the hope of extending the duration of the bonuses unlocked by those attending the event. If they catch enough of them, a mystery challenge will be unveiled in Grant Park that will unlock a special bonus across the globe once completed.

Additionally, Niantic has also announced a few Pokémon Safari Zone events, which will take place at shopping centers in different countries during August and September. For more details, visit here.

Massive update with revamped Gyms and Raid Battles

July 12: Niantic Labs confirmed that it will be making some major upgrades to its Gyms with an upcoming update. The Gyms in the game will no longer be based on Prestige or training creatures, but instead, they’ll have six permanent slots with an all-new motivation meter. The update will also be adding the much-anticipated co-op Raid Battles, where players will work together to defeat boss creatures at Gym locations.

New Summer Solstice event

June 8: From June 13 until June 20, the in-game Solstice Event will see players encounter more fire- and ice-type Pokémon, receive huge XP bonuses for accurate Poké Ball tossing, and get discounted Lucky Eggs at the in-game shop. Meanwhile, the company will hold its “first-ever” real-world Pokémon Go event: Pokémon Go Fest Chicago. This will take place in Grant Park on July 22 and promises “a ton of exciting festivities.”

5 Android apps you shouldn’t miss this week – Android Apps Weekly!

The 206th Android Apps Weekly is out! This week it’s about depression, Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition, no root theming, and more Android apps news!

Android Apps Weekly featured image
Welcome to the 206th Android Apps Weekly! Here are the the headlines from the last week:

  • Android Oreo will get non-root theming. A third party app called Substratum will include the feature. There are some caveats. You have to use a computer to make it work. It also breaks a bit of basic functionality. It’s nothing serious, though. It’s a bit unconventional. However, it’s one step closer to native theming on Android. Plus, Substratum is a fairly excellent app on its own.
  • Telltale Games launched a huge summer sale this week. Included are four The Walking Dead games, both Minecraft: Story Mode titles, The Wolf Among Us, Game of Thrones, Guardians of the Galaxy, and others. The sale includes the base game as well as the season pass for those titles. That means you can get the whole game at a discount. It might be worth it for adventure game fans.
  • Google is trying to help depressed people. They’re working with the National Alliance of Mental Illness to get people help. Google Searching the right keywords now enables you to take a PHQ-9 test. The results of the test can help determine how depressed one is. It’s not a diagnosis and people should seek a physician if they have bad symptoms. However, it could push people in the right direction and that’s a good thing.
  • Square Enix announced Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition this week. It’s essentially a remake of the original game. It has simpler graphics, touch controls, and more. It tells most of the same story as the console version. They appear as episodes similar to Telltale Games titles. There are ten episodes. The first one will be free to download on mobile. The other nine will likely be in-app purchases. Final Fantasy XV proper is coming to PC later this year as well.
  • Android Instant Apps rolled out to 500 million Android devices. Instant Apps are lightweight versions of the full apps. You can use them without downloading the full app. They’re mostly for quick tasks. That way you don’t use up all your storage on apps that you would only use once or twice. In any case, it’s out now. You can check around your Google Play settings to see if you have it.

For even more Android apps and games news, updates, releases, and more, check out this week’s newsletter by clicking here! You can sign up for the newsletter using the form below if you want. You can also click here to check out the Android Authority app for even faster updates!

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Price: Free / $3.49
Bola is a new budget manager app. It’s also rather simple. You track your paychecks, expenses, and budget. The goal is to keep yourself appraised of your own spending habits. It also supports multiple currencies, multiple budgets, and cloud syncing. There aren’t a ton of bells and whistles. It does do the basics very right, though. Those who need hardcore expense reports will need to look elsewhere. You can get into the door for free. The full version costs $3.49.


Price: Free / Up to $9.49
Cavefall is a new infinite runner. You won’t run in a straight line, though. The player falls infinitely through a cave instead. You tap the screen to jump from side to side. The goal is to get items, avoid obstacles, and kill bad guys for as long as possible. It also includes hidden levels, power-ups, daily challenges, achievements, and leaderboards. It is a freemium game but it won’t ask you to make $99.99 purchases either. It’s not bad for what it is.

Style Music

Price: $1.49
Style Music is an interesting new music app. It does the basic music app stuff. That includes showing you music. It comes with a traditional media player view as well as a folder view. Some other features include Chromecast support, 24-bit FLAC support, and more. The most interesting feature is the ability to stream one of the 50,000 radio stations. This is definitely one of the better apps that can do both radio stations and your library. It’s a bit rough around the edges, though.
Style Music


Combat Squad

Price: Free with in-app purchases
Combat Squad is a new FPS game. It’s about as standard as an FPS title gets on mobile. It comes with a variety of multiplayer modes, including one vs one, five vs five, and seven total game types to play. The graphics use Unreal Engine 4. The game also boasts advanced tactical AI, but we’re sure that’s probably mostly marketing talk. FPS fans should be able to enjoy this one for at least a little while if not longer.

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Price: Free / $1.99
WallR is a new HD wallpaper app. It boasts a massive collection of over 100,000 wallpapers. It can also auto-set wallpapers periodically, download wallpapers, and more. You can also have any wallpaper crystallized into a low-poly image for even more options. The free version does little more than let you wander around the app. You have to dish out for the full version in order to play with most of the app’s features.

5 Android apps you shouldn’t miss this week – Android Apps Weekly

The 205th Android Apps Weekly is out! This week YouTube TV came out in more cities, Google Allo got a web interface, and more Android apps news!

Android Apps Weekly featured image
Welcome to the 205th edition of Android Apps Weekly! Here are the big headlines from the last week:

  • Google is apparently working on a light search app. The app should use less data than its full counterpart. We’re all but certain the app is for emerging markets. Those places still have slower, more expensive data. The app itself looks vastly different but still works more or less the same way. The APK is available for public consumption. A release date is still unknown right now.
  • Google Allo finally has a web interface. You can now use it on your phone or on your computer. It works a little funny. You have to use the web connection option in the settings of the app. Then you scan the QR code on the web app to gain access. It’s a little weird, but it works very well. Most of the features are available in the web app from the normal app as well. It’s only works well with Google Chrome. Just a heads up.
  • Opera announced a discontinuation of Opera Max this week. The app helped people use less data. Data caps are getting a lot more liberal in many countries. Thus, Opera decided the service was unnecessary. It is still available in the Google Play Store. It’ll just never receive anymore updates. Opera stated that new platforms and their browsers were the focus moving forward.
  • Ironhide, developers of the Kingdom Rush saga, announced a new game this week. Iron Marines is its name. The game shares a lot of the looks and feel of the Kingdom Rush titles. However, it seems to incorporate a little more real-time strategy into the mechanics. It should be a pretty decent title. The developers have an excellent track record. You can get it September 14th, 2017.
  • YouTube TV expanded quite a bit this week. They are now in 29 additional markets. They’re expanding to 14 additional markets in the coming weeks. That puts the total number of supported markets at 46. That covers more than 50% of the U.S. right now. There is no word on when YouTube TV will reach other countries or the rest of the U.S.

For even more Android apps and games news, updates, and releases, check out this week’s newsletter by clicking here! You can use the form below to sign up for the newsletter. We send it out every Sunday night. You can also click here to get the Android Authority app for even faster updates!

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Awesome Converter

Price: Free
Awesome Converter is a new converter app. It allows you to convert between a bunch of different units. That includes weight, length, volume, speed, temperature, and even currency. You enter the number, select the unit, and it shows you all of the conversions. Otherwise, it’s just a simple converter. The app got a bad rap initially. It was part of a thing where people download apps to get gems in some game. Many new apps do that. This one is actually useful, though.
Awesome Converter

What’s Up, Snoopy

Price: Free
What’s Up, Snoopy is a new arcade game from Cartoon Network. It features ten mini-games with various Peanuts characters. None of them are particularly difficult to play. There is a story mode. That lets you play random mini-games to earn coins. You use those coins to unlock games in arcade mode. The game is totally free to download with no in-app purchases. It makes for an excellent game for kids.
What's Up, Snoopy


Price: Free
Hurry is a new widget app. It creates quick countdown timers. You can do anything from birthdays to your favorite televisions shows. It also has recurring countdowns. You can set the notifications to remind you every so often or every day if you want. The widgets are tasteful with several options. You can also add images to the mix. The app is entirely free, at least for right now.

Framed 2

Price: $1.99
Framed 2 is the next title in one of the better puzzle games in recent memory. Each scene is shown in a variety of panels. Your goal is to arrange the panels to change the outcome of the story. It features a noir theme, simple graphics, and a fun premise. There is also a story line. The game has a few bugs. Most notable is a framerate issue. However, the developers will likely fix that in a future update. It usually goes for $4.99. However, it’s on sale for $1.99 for right now.

Amazing Weather HD

Price: $1.99
Amazing Weather HD is a new live wallpaper. It shows the current weather on your home screen as a live wallpaper. The app portion shows weather for multiple locations. There are also some settings and customizations that you can play with it. It should show you the current weather and also a day and night cycle. The only downside is that you have to pay for it up front. Make sure you see if you like it within the refund time!
Amazing Weather HD

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Telltale Games launches huge summer sale — save up to 75% on select titles

Telltale has launched a summer sale on its mobile games, bringing big reductions on titles like The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, and its Batman series.

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Telltale Games has launched a “mobile summer sale,” discounting many titles from its most famous game series. Until August 31, you’ll be able to get your hands on episodes from its The Walking Dead, The Wolf Among Us and Game of Thrones adventure game sets all at a reduced price.

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It’s reduced with an asterisk, however, as in many cases these are still expensive for single episode mobile titles (is Minecraft: Story Mode Season 2 at $14.99 really a discount?). Thankfully, with many of the bigger titles below, you can play the first episode for free.

Here’s the full list of discounted Android titles from Telltale:

Deal: select Final Fantasy titles currently 50%-off at Google Play

Square Enix has discounted a number of Final Fantasy titles at the Google Play Store in a sale ongoing until August 25.

Square Enix is holding a 50%-off sale in the Google Play Store on select Final Fantasy titles. Until August 25, you can pick up Final Fantasy one through six, including Final Fantasy IV: After Years and Final Fantasy Dimensions, at the discounted price.

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This means you can go all the way back to where the series began in 1987 with a port of the original title (though, if you’re on Android Nougat, you might encounter some issues), while you also have the chance to pick up what has often been described as the best game in the series, Final Fantasy VI.

Here is the full list of FF titles on sale with the Play Store links.

If you’re interested, you have until midnight on August 24 to make a purchase. Remember that you can request a refund within 48 hours of buying a game or app at the Google Play Store, should you encounter any compatibility problems.
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5 Android apps you shouldn’t miss this week! – Android Apps Weekly

The 204th Android Apps Weekly is out! This week we talk about Disney leaving Netflix, a new Titanfall mobile game, and more Android apps news!

Android Apps Weekly
Welcome to the 204th Android Apps Weekly! Here are the headlines from the last week:

  • Google is no longer the default search engine on Google Chrome in Russia. Users will be able to choose their search engine upon opening the app. This is in response to the lawsuit that cost Google a pretty penny a while back. Hardware partners can still ship with Google apps. However, that is a decision they will have to make. Again, this is only in Russia.
  • Facebook’s Lifestage app is dead. The company removed the app from the Play Store earlier this week. For those who don’t remember, it’s was a Snapchat-style app for high school kids. It never really took off. Additionally, it had been months since its last update. Facebook released a statement saying that it was an educational experience. However, at the end of the day, it was an abject failure.
  • Disney is breaking their deal with Netflix. The media giant decided to withdrawal their titles from the service. They’re going to open two new streaming services using BAMtech as their backend. That’s the same company that does streaming for MLB and others. Netflix is keeping the Marvel TV stuff. That’s good news. However, the rest of it is going to get expensive for Disney fans.
  • Adventure Time games are the flavor of the year it seems. There’s a new one on its way called Adventure Time Champions and Challengers. It’ll feature RPG mechanics, 120 levels, 12 chapters, and more. It’ll almost certainly be a freemium game. You should adjust your expectations accordingly. The game is available for pre-registration now on Google Play.
  • Google is allegedly working on a Snapchat-style news story. It’ll work with the current AMP program along with a new thing called The Stories. The two should provide a collection of slides that people scan scroll through. It won’t deliver the detailed news, but most people read headlines these days anyway. The slides will contain words, images, and video, according to sources. Google neither confirmed or denied the rumors.


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Voletarium: Sky Explorers

Price: Free / Up to $5.99
Voletarium: Sky Explorers is a new adventure game. The story goes that two characters seek to find what happened to their ancestors. You’ll traverse a large world while flying. The game lets you design your own flying machines, collect parts for them, and explore around. There are some real life elements to the game. You can check them out if you ever make your way to Europa-Park in Germany.


Price: Free / $0.99
Adapticons brings the functionality of Android O’s adaptable icons to most other devices. It allows you to theme almost any icon on your device. You simply pick your icon, pick the shape you want, and the app will make it. You can use it with your stock icons or with icon packs. The only caveat is that you’ll need a launcher that supports custom icons. The free version gives you enough to try out the app. The paid version adds even more options.

Carmageddon: Crashers

Price: Free with in-app purchases
Carmageddon: Crashers is a new drag racing game. It plays and feels a lot like other drag racing titles such as CSR Racing and others. You’ll time your starts for a boost, then time your shifts in order to gain more momentum. However, you’ll be crashing into your opponents instead of trying to beat their time. They disguise the mechanics well, but it plays like most other drag racing games. It’s also quite buggy. It’s not half bad when it works. We understand if you don’t think it’s original, though.

Samsung Internet Browser

Price: Free
Samsung doesn’t put an app in the Play Store often. At least, not ones that compatible with non-Samsung devices. Samsung Internet Browser appears to be an exception. It has a decent set of features. They include extensions, Material Design, a night mode, and more. Many of the extensions won’t work on many devices. However, at least one of the content blockers should. It’s in beta. That means there are bugs and instability. It’s also kind of slow. This one has good bones, though. It could be really good eventually.
Samsung Internet Browser

Titanfall: Assault

Price: Free with in-app purchases
Titanfall: Assault is the latest game in the popular FPS franchise. This one isn’t an FPS title, though. It’s a real-time strategy game with card collecting mechanics. That means the freemium style is alive and well. The combat is a little more fun than usual in this genre. However, a lot of your success will depend on your card collection. It’s not bad for fans of the series and fans of RTS games. It also has a few bugs like most newer games do.

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Noir-style puzzler Framed 2 sneaking onto Android next week

The sequel to the multi-award winning Framed will launch on Android August 16.

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The multi-award winning mobile puzzle game Framed has gotten a sequel, and it’s coming to Android in just a few days. Noodlecake Studios announced the news in a press release yesterday, stating that the game would see a week-one discount to celebrate its launch and make up for delays in porting it (it was released on iOS earlier in the summer).

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Like the original game, Framed 2 will see players assist a spy by rearranging the panels in a noir-themed animated comic book. The title makes use of a simple drag-and-drop mechanic to allow players to change the outcome of certain scenes and progress through the story (which this time takes place before the events of the first game). Take a look at what I’m talking about in the launch trailer below.

It’s an inventive idea that helped garner the previous title a wealth of critical acclaim and recognition. Framed 2 will go on sale August 16 and will cost $1.99 for the first week before changing to a regular price of $4.99 thereafter.

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5 Android apps you shouldn’t miss this week! – Android Apps Weekly

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Welcome to the 203rd edition of Android Apps Weekly! Here are the headlines from the last week:

  • Angry Birds 2 got an update in honor of its birthday. The update adds clans to the mix. You’ll be able to team up with friends or strangers. You can communicate with an in-game chat. Clans have various challenges to complete. It’ll be stuff like destroying objects or crushing a specific number of pigs. It’s a pretty big update.
  • A report surfaced this week about Google and Snapchat. The search giant reportedly wanted to buy the popular messaging app. It allegedly offered about $30 billion. That’s more than double what Snapchat is worth. Google didn’t respond to a request for comment. Snapchat denied the rumor outright. However, according to the report, the deal is still on the table.
  • The world is talking about Sarahah this week. It’s a new anonymous messaging app. It works with you setting up a profile. People can then make comments about you anonymously. It originally hails from Saudi Arabia. There are worries about it causing cyberbullying because that’s what people do in North America. It’s free in the Play Store now.
  • Google Play now ranks apps better depending on their quality. Google Play will look for specific quality signals in its ranking algorithm. That means apps that have the right stuff should rank better than they did before. This should give a big boost to the developers who do things right.
  • The latest Humble Bundle is out! This one features a ton of high end puzzle games. Some of the titles include Deus Ex GO, Zenge, Slayaway Camp, and more. You can pay $1 and get three games, $5 to get six total games, or beat the average to get all of the games. Beating the average also gets you bonus content. These are some excellent games and it’s a great way to give to charity!

For even more Android apps and games news, releases, and updates, click here to check out this week’s newsletter! There you can find details about Chrome’s ad-block, a big update to Action Launcher, and some Android games on sale. You can also use the form below to subscribe to the newsletter! The Android Authority app is still the best way to get up-to-the-minute updates!
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Kraken Land

Price: Free with in-app purchases
Kraken Land is a new runner and platformer. At its core, it’s not much more than your average freemium platformer. It can still be a lot of fun to play, though. It features various levels and obstacles to overcome. You can also wipe out enemies, use various objects, and more. You’ll also get online leaderboards, power ups, and daily challenges. It’s pretty good for what it is. It’s free to download with in-app purchases.

Ottipo Photo Editor

Price: Free
Ottipo is a new photo editor app. It focuses more on things like stickers, frames, and filters than on hardcore editing tools. It does features a whole bunch of filters, frames, and stickers, though. You’ll be able to crap images, rotate them, add various elements, and move those elements around. This one is still in beta. That means there will be bugs. However, it’s free with no in-app purchases if you want to try it.
Ottipo Photo Editor

Tales of the Rays

Price: Free with in-app purchases
Tales of the Rays follows the current trend of RPGs themed from popular console franchises and anime. This one is actually pretty decent. It features action-RPG mechanics. You can also explore dungeons, view animated cut scenes, and more. It does have freemium RPG elements, though. That includes character collecting and a gem system. At its core, it’s not all that unique. It adds enough on top to be fun for a little while at least.


Price: Free
Caffeine is a fun little Android tool. It allows you to forcibly keep your screen awake. You can choose from five minutes, ten minutes, 30 minutes, or even indefinitely. There aren’t a ton of uses for something like this. However, it is likely the best solution for those use cases. It does use the custom tiles that you find in Android Nougat. That means you have to have at least that in order to use this. It’s free to download with no in-app purchases.

Adventure Time Run

Price: Free with in-app purchases
Adventure Time Run is the latest Adventure Time game. It’s an infinite runner in case the name didn’t give it away. You’ll collect a variety of characters and run through a bunch of levels. The game tries to keep itself fresh by introducing a variety of mechanics, points of view, and obstacles to keep you busy. You can also level up characters, check out online leaderboards, and find various treasures. It’s a freemium game through and through, but it’s still pretty fun. At least for a bit.

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Angry Birds 2 introduces “clans” in big birthday update

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The Angry Birds franchise is massive. Rovio’s smash hit has already given birth to an ungodly amount of spin-offs across a number of media formats, including a full-feature film, with a second one on the way. However, the most popular entry in the Angry Birds universe currently is its flagship game, Angry Birds 2, which is now celebrating its second birthday.

In order to mark the occasion, Rovio has introduced a new feature to Angry Birds 2 — player clans. This means that you can now team up with friends, complete strangers, or both in order to achieve a common goal. Clan members will also be able to chat with each other in-game, adding a social aspect to clans.

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Clans will be given various challenges to complete, with the current one awarding points to the whole clan when individual members complete levels. Rovio has yet to reveal what other challenges will be introduced, but it’s likely that some of them will be about squashing a specific number of pigs or destroying a certain amount of objects.

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